New Beginings

 Hello everyone, 

As some of you may know, this site and my old site have been a work in progress for a few years now, and every few months I say I am starting over, or I starting fresh... but then life happens and I just leave it alone for a few months. The same things happens with my youtube channels and so for that I apologize.

With that being said, there has been alot happening in life between my son, my partner, our car, pets, myself....literally everything! I have hit that time in my life where things seem to be slowing down and I can finally take a step back and organize things a little and do what I wanted to in the begining. 

If you follow me on Instagram ( @ashleye.beth ) you would see some of the different things I have been going threw from meal prepping and fighting my fitness journey, to my sons health, to taking time to watch the sunset. life has been anything but boring! 

With that all being said, and yes Im aware I sound like a broken record, but I have decided to redo my website and just focus on the blog as a personal blog. my website used to contain recipes and youtube links, etc, but I found that the more I had put on my plate the less I would actually work on it, so.. welcome to my new blog, were everything I plan on posting will be shared in a daily, weekly blog post. 

I will make sure to still include all the things I originally planned to post but instead of having their own pages they will be right here within the blog posts.

I hope you all continue to support me on thing crazy journey we call life and have a great weekend! I will write to you again soon. :) 


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